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Title: This is Rocket Science! Grades: 6-12 Instructor: Wade Harper Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) | ![]() |
3, 2, 1...IGNITION...LIFT OFF! Build and launch your own rocket! This workshop is appropriate for beginners as well as experienced model rocketeers. Learn how to apply trig to altitude calculations and much more. Great for Middle/High School Physical Science and Physics Teachers.
Title: No Fossil Left Behind Grades: 4-8 Instructor: Brett Hart Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) | ![]() |
Participants will experience three interesting paleontology labs which can be easily adapted to grades 3-8. Activities will focus on presenting students with some of the same challenges faced by paleontologists. Participants will experience the task of actually excavating delicate fossils as they carefully remove them from a surrounding matrix, simulate the process of petrification, and use their knowledge and skills to investigate their own fossil graveyard.
Title: Conservation through Education with Herpetology Grades: Any Instructor: Tim Cole Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) | ![]() |
This exciting workshop explores several aspects of Herpetology in the classroom. Participants will experience an in-depth look at animals that make good classroom specimens and will interact with several live animals. Topics include proper handling techniques and basic snake identification with emphasis on Central Texas Species. Husbandry guidelines will include caging, substrates, lighting, heat sources, diet, supplements, and water sources. Participants will receive an informative and colorful herpetological guide.
Title: Weather Wonders Grades: 3-8 Instructor: Steve LaNore Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) TEKS: 3rd Grade (Sec. 2), 4th Grade (Sec. 2, 6A, 7B, 11B, 11C), 5th Grade (Sec. 2, 6A), 6th Grade (Sec. 2, 14B, 14C), 7th Grade (Sec. 2, 13A, 14A), 8th Grade (Sec. 2, 4B, 7B, 10B, 12B) | ![]() |
Steve brings his 20 years of experience as a Meteorologist to help you make your weather/earth science coverage "more breezy"!
This workshop is going to give you lots of good resources for hands-on demonstrations of difficult concepts, as well as classroom projects, and video presentations. Each participant will receive either a Video CD or VHS tape filled with interesting weather satellite movies, diagrams and presentations which have been designed according to TEKS guidelines for Science, grades 3-8.
This workshop will include:
Title: ESL Super Math Part I Grades: 3-6 Instructor: Dr. Miles Jones Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) | ![]() |
Mathematics is the first area in which ESL students can begin to function completely and effectively in English. Learn how to boost your student's English ability, raise their test scores, accelerate their math skills to a phenomenal degree, and boost their confidence immeasurably. Taught by Dr. Miles R. Jones, a renowned bilingual teacher who has taught Hispanic first graders in inner-city schools to do advanced mathematical calculations mentally faster than math professors with electronic calculators in hand.
Basic skills through rapid mental math techniques for ESL or monolingual classes. Learn how to make acquisition of basic math skills exciting, simple and guaranteed. You will learn how to teach add/subtract/multiply/divide with perfection and rapid mystery of powers, roots and factoring at any grade level.
Title: ESL Super Math Part II Grades: 3-6 Instructor: Dr. Miles Jones Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) | ![]() |
Mathematics is the first area in which ESL students can begin to function completely and effectively in English. Learn how to boost your student's English ability, raise their test scores, accelerate their math skills to a phenomenal degree, and boost their confidence immeasurably. Taught by Dr. Miles R. Jones, a renowned bilingual teacher who has taught Hispanic first graders in inner-city schools to do advanced mathematical calculations mentally faster than math professors with electronic calculators in hand.
Build on rapid math techniques via mastery of factoring and all eight operations with fractions. This is the threshold to higher math and touches on basic algebra.
Title: Differentiated Lab-based Science Classroom Grades: Elementary Instructor: Betsy Carpenter Duration and Fees: 6 hours ($80.00) | ![]() |
This workshop will focus on practical, meaningful differentiation at the lesson and unit level for science curriculum with emphasis on laboratory investigation strategies including constructivism, inquiry, and problem-based approaches. The goals are to encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and research opportunities appropriate for all learners. These differentiation strategies meet state standards for science and laboratory-based courses, provide meaningful tasks for all students and extend the learning experiences for the gifted students in the inclusive classroom.
Title: Differentiated Lab-based Science Classroom Grades: Secondary Instructor: Betsy Carpenter Duration and Fees: 6 hours ($80.00) | ![]() |
This workshop will focus on practical, meaningful differentiation at the lesson and unit level for science curriculum with emphasis on laboratory investigation strategies including constructivism, inquiry, and problem-based approaches. The goals are to encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and research opportunities appropriate for all learners. These differentiation strategies meet state standards for science and laboratory-based courses, provide meaningful tasks for all students and extend the learning experiences for the gifted students in the inclusive classroom.
Title: Science Study Using the Environment as a Learning Context Grades: Elem./Middle Instructor: Betsy Carpenter Duration and Fees: 6 hours ($80.00) | ![]() |
This workshop will focus on materials and methods for providing interdisciplinary learning experiences using the environment as a learning context. Topics include: school-site analysis techniques; computer-aided research; protocols for studying vegetation, arthropod, and wild birds; good earth technologies; art from found materials; children's environmental literature; journal writing; cycling and recycling the forest; and environmental values. The methods are those of Earth Systems Education, a curriculum restructure concept focusing on Earth, and compatible with the National Science Education Standards and Science TEKS.
Title: Mixed Science Grades: K-2 Instructor: Sue Bachus Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) | ![]() |
This workshop offers hands-on science activities on Senses, Animals, Health and Human Body, Environment, Ecosystems, and more! Many of these activities integrate the sciences as well as language arts and math.
Title: Physical Science Grades: K-2 Instructor: Sue Bachus Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) | ![]() |
Yes, even young children can learn beginning physics. Participants will explore fun and simple ways to introduce Weighing and Measuring, Counting, Classifying, and Graphing, Primary Simple Machines, Forces, Sound, States of Matter.
Title: Mixed Sciences Grades: 3-5 Instructor: Sue Bachus Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) | ![]() |
These fun and integrated topics include Health and Human Body, Environment and Ecosystems, Writing, Graphing, Earth Environments. Participants will explore the Earth-Moon-Sun Systems and learn how to effectively demonstrate the seasons, an eclipse, and Moon Phases.
Title: Physical Science Grades: 3-5 Instructor: Sue Bachus Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) | ![]() |
Fascinating yet basic, integrated science activities combine the conceptual nature of Physics with the understanding acquired by hands-on experience. Topics include Electricity & Magnetism, Tools/Simple & Complex Machines, Physics of Sound, Temperature & Pressure, and more!
Title: Physical Science with Toys & Everyday Stuff I Grades: 4-9 Instructor: Sue Bachus Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) | ![]() |
This introductory lab focuses on hands-on activities to introduce simple machines and forces. Designed for any teacher who needs to understand or teach very simple, foundational physics.
Title: Physical Science with Toys & Everyday Stuff II Grades: 4-9 Instructor: Sue Bachus Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) | ![]() |
Fun with Physics!! Activities are simple by design, yet challenging. Concepts are introduced with toys and familiar materials to build confidence and understanding. Even the most "physics-phobic" teachers will find these workshops non-intimidating, interesting, and fun.
Title: Paleo/Earth Science Grades: 4-8 Instructor: Sue Bachus Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) | ![]() |
In this fascinating hands-on lab, participants will identify real fossils, explore geologic time, learn about Earth's magnetic field, make a compass and more. Participants will receive a guide book on identifying central Texas fossils.
Title: Science Fair Clinic I Grades: Any Instructor: Sue Bachus Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) | ![]() |
This hands-on lab activity takes teams of participants through each part of the scientific method for experimental design. Teams will collaborate, design, and test their hypotheses. This lab clarifies terms and procedures and will help prepare teachers to guide students in doing science fair projects correctly.
Title: Science Fair Clinic II Grades: Any Instructor: Sue Bachus Duration and Fees: 3 hours ($40.00) | ![]() |
This lab is an extension of the first lab. Based on their experiences and data collected in Part I, participant teams will design and create the science fair presentation board, write student take-home information letters, design the rules for student projects, design the judging criteria, and make a list of student project ideas. All participants will leave with a binder of information to help them with their students and their school's science fair.